Daniel Kovarek
Research Fellow at the European University Institute
Current member
Daniel Kovarek is a Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence. He received his PhD in Political Science at Central European University in Vienna, under the supervision of Levente Littvay. Daniel studies political behavior at the voter and the elite level, for which he mostly applies experimental methods, surveys and data obtained via webscraping. Substantively, his main research interests include distributive politics, friends-and-neighbors voting and protest mobilization.
Prior to his PhD, he worked as a Research Assistant for the multi-disciplinary CUPESSE (Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship) project, funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. During his doctoral studies, he was a recurring Visiting Lecturer at the Széchenyi István College for Advanced Studies, Budapest, where he taught Research Design, Academic Writing and Sociology and received the Distinguished Teacher Award in 2021. Previously he also served at instructor for courses at CEU and as teaching assistant for ECPR’s Winter and Summer Schools.