Niccolò Donati
Research Fellow at Università degli Studi di Milano
Current member
Niccolò Donati obtained his PhD in Political Studies from the University of Milan, in 2018. His main research interest concerns EU integration and EU policymaking, in particular the role of ideational factors and budgetary politics in shaping the EU institutions. He is currently post-doc at the University of Milan and he is investigating the role of ideas in shaping the process of Cohesion Policy reform.
Select Publications
Conditional solidarity: how EMU fiscal compliance is shaping the process of Cohesion policy reform, Journal of European Integration (Submitted, in peer review)
La governance sanitaria di Veneto e Lombardia nella crisi COVID (co-authored), in L. Violante and A. Pajno (eds.) Pandemia e Democrazia (forthcoming).
The evolution of cohesion policy from an inter-territorial solidarity perspective: an empirical analysis, Social Policy (2018)