Abel Bojar
Research Fellow at the European University Institute
Past Member

Abel Bojar is a postdoctoral researcher working at the European University Institute as a part of the SOLID project. He had completed his PHD and worked as a Teaching Fellow at the London School of Economics before moving to Florence to work for POLCON, one of the predecessor projects of SOLID. His original research focus was on the political economy of public finance and austerity, later on he shifted to the study of electoral behaviour, social movements and contentious politics.

Latest publications

Bojar, Abel, Bjorn Bremer, Hanspeter Kriesi and Chendi Wang. Fortchoming. The Effect of Austerity Packages on Government Popularity During the Great Recession. British Journal of Political Science

Bojar, Abel and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2020. Action repertoires in contentious episodes: What determines governments’ and challengers’ action strategies? A cross‐national analysis. European Journal of Political Research

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Swen Hutter and Bojar Abel. 2019. Contentious episode analysis. Mobilization 24 (3):  251-273

This project is funded with a Synergy Grant by the European Research Council under Grant Agreement n. 810356. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.