written by
Schelkle, Waltraud ; Kyriazi, Anna ; Ganderson, Joseph ; Altiparmakis, Argyrios
Brexit – the EU membership crisis that wasn’t? – West European Politics
scritto da
Schelkle, Waltraud ; Kyriazi, Anna ; Ganderson, Joseph ; Altiparmakis, Argyrios


This introduction to the special issue recalls the alarm raised in EU capitals and Brussels after the UK’s in-out referendum delivered a Leave vote in June 2016. The fear was of a domino effect and the further fragmentation of an already divided EU. Seven years later, it is clear that there was rapid attrition of Eurosceptic triumphalism, and the EU-27 showed remarkable unity. This required a sustained collective effort to contain a membership crisis and maintain the EU polity. Yet, the issue contributors challenge the notion that the alarm was unfounded and explain why this counter-factual did not materialise, even though potential for future membership crises of different sorts was revealed. Theoretically, this supports an understanding of the EU as a polity that is fragile, yet able to assert porous borders, exercise authority over a diverse membership, and mobilise a modicum of loyalty when the entire integration regime is under threat.

To cite this article:

Schelkle, W., Kyriazi, A., Ganderson, J., & Altiparmakis, A. (2024). Brexit – the EU membership crisis that wasn’t? West European Politics47(5), 997–1020. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2024.2325780

#brexit #cleavages crisis #European Union #post-functionalism
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This project is funded with a Synergy Grant by the European Research Council under Grant Agreement n. 810356. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.